(From my book of Aphorisms- 'Thoughts To Make You Think' By Helen Leigh - Chapter One - Personal Development)
You need to tap into something that generates such a driving force of solid unstoppable ENERGY inside you, that it smashes out the negativity, the laziness, the apathy, and that it can give you strength so when something wrong happens, and you are devastated, you can tap into the energy and it will regenerate you....
Thoughts To Make You Think' Helen Leigh
1. ENERGY and PASSION is a way of being and feeling totally free.......
If you have hit a wall (and your spirit is crushed) for whatever negative reason(s), Care is not going to save you, wrapping yourself up in cotton wool and consoling yourself will not give you, your spirit back, pleading innocence or blame wont either, even a hug or warm words wont do it, and if you are feeling unwell or your body's nerves are shot, it wont heal you, it only creates a bubble that you sit in and although you are settled, you are still dead in the water.....
So, Why??....
No matter what your problem is, it always boils down to fear, and further its always a fear of loosing yourself.... In all our minds we have a program running that tells us how things should be, how we see things, how others should see us, and how we should feel, but in following the mind, you become only Thoughts and just thoughts have no inner feelings, which then cuts you off from the source and who you really are, moreover you also stop feeling out others, and producing joy, which is a key to life.. ..We think somehow that we have created ourselves. :))
That we have control over life itself and we can hold it to ransom to what we want to hoard/hold... And believe that by our thoughts and actions that we can change the fabric of the Universe and how it is run. But we didn't make the stars, we didn't make Earth, And if you took your thoughts off what you think you have control over right now; and even stopped thinking right now, would the earth stop running?? Would you and all life cease to exist?? If you cry, laugh, sneeze, does it make the earth move??? What gave you breath?? How is it that you are so moved to do what you do? Why are their Artists, Musicians,...... Plumbers.(Haha). Why do you have a different finger print... Why is it that when we close our eyes in the silence we never see 'nothing', there is always something.. that we didn't create...... How do we get Ideas? Where did they come from???.....etc...etc
So when we can establish that the Universe runs fine without us, we can let go of ourselves, and know everything is moving regardless, ...then what is left is just how to let go.
I read this Zen quote and to paraphrase it says: 'how do you avoid extreme hot or extreme
2cold'? And the answer is to be so hot that it kills you or to be so cold that it kills you, then you are at a place of neither..... its saying not to fight either one, but to embrace it, but how? Closing your eyes (and as I said above) Caring for yourself wont help you with your fear, it perpetuates it, so the only way to push through your fear without creating resistance/pain, is: **Energy** the best, most intense pleasing, light generating Energy...
You need to tap into something that generates such a driving force of solid unstoppable ENERGY inside you, that it smashes out the negativity, the laziness, the apathy, and that it can give you strength so when something wrong happens, and you are devastated, you can tap into the energy and it will regenerate you....
The other day I was watching a cooking competition show on T.V and there was a woman contestant who was blind and cooking! she wasn't blind from birth but gradually went blind over 10 years, and you would think she would be curled up in a ball somewhere cursing life and that, that would be it for her, but what happened in her case is that her desire to cook outweighed the depression and fear and hopelessness of going blind.. and in case you thought this, … no, she isn't special in the fact that she must have had more strength than the average person, no, she just had a passion and drove it over the negativity of her situation, this is something we can all do....
So then the only way to get this energy for ourselves is to ask our desire what to do,..
No, not your thoughts, or experiences,..
Ask your drive, what gives you the ROAR!...
No, not your thoughts, :))
And you need to push that past your fear, your lack, your negative blocks...
It has to be something that smashes out your rules or even your morals, it needs to be something Good, and something that takes you out of yourself that you have to get over 'your self image' to do, perhaps even something that really embarrasses you... and you need to keep doing this everyday and then grow out of it, .. it could be growth of a new venture or business or new friendships or relationships... If you are just generating positive, Inspiring and loving (but with a kick) atmosphere then you will be a creative being, and you will be tapped into the Source/God/ Universe/Creator and you will then start creating new things and things that will amaze you, as you will not be programming it, but allowing the new things to come in.... allowing Life in....
.... And again, this is not a soft issue, a caring one or a fluffy one, this is something that makes you spontaneously laugh, something that you are NOT COMFORTABLE doing...
Try and do something that is embarrassing or uncomfortable and feel that energy change your entire being. (it doesn't have to be something huge either, just something huge to you) Having this energy also helps you to observe life rather than be bashed around by it.
In my own search to be 'different' or 'Special', I realised that this was getting me nowhere when in fact the thought of donating to charity, helping animals encouraging people fills me
up with love and passion! And if you can start to understand yourself then it helps as it did me to see that seeking for Yourself is just a copy off of someone else...
If your heart is telling you, you are not satisfied, think of something you don't want to do and try that, it is always something hidden that will generate the most Life giving Energy.
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