( From my book of Aphorisms- 'Thoughts To Make You Think' By Helen Leigh - Chapter One - Personal Development) 1. ENERGY and PASSION is a way of being and feeling totally free....... If you have hit a wall (and your spirit is crushed) for whatever negative reason(s), Care is not going to save you, wrapping yourself up in cotton wool and consoling yourself will not give you, your spirit back, pleading innocence or blame wont either, even a hug or warm words wont do it, and if you are feeling unwell or your body's nerves are shot, it wont heal you, it only creates a bubble that you sit in and although you are settled, you are still dead in the water..... So, Why??.... No matter what your problem is, it always boils down to fear, and further its always a fear of loosing yourself.... In all our minds we have a program running that tells us how things should be, how we see things, how others should see us, and how we should feel, but in following the mind, you beco...